The Realm of Spirit
A Program to Develop Spiritual Identity in a Practical World
DATES will be announced for 2023 very soon!
Practical | Mystical
Personal Power + Integrity + Authenticity + Character of Spiritual Leader
Connection to Intuition + Spirit Allies + Invisible Helpers
Practices + Sacred Tools + Daily/Personal Rituals + Ceremony
Language + Prayer + Spirit Talk
Saturday morning - Sunday early evening
Opening Circle + Experiential Learning + Mentoring/Teaching
The most Foundational Teachings from my 25+ years of study & practice
Practices & Tools you’ll be able to integrate into your everyday life
In-The-Moment reflection, sharing, coaching and intuitive work
Thought provoking and idea inspiring Spirit led conversations
In the sweet territory of silence we touch the mystery. It's the place of reflection & contemplation, and it's the place where we can connect with the deep knowing, to the deep wisdom way. - Angeles Arrien
When we live in the world using our extrasensory perception, feeling connected to sacred wisdom that comes from deep within us, as well as the wisdom that comes from Source we feel more supported, connected and trustworthy of our experiences. There is a direct line to the Great Mystery (some call it Creator, Spirit, Divine, God etc.) and all we need is an open path for which the relationship may foster and grow. Knowing how to cultivate this relationship in a way that is unique and personal to each of us is important.
In this rapidly changing world, it’s even more important we are living a life filled with & connected to the infinite love and blessings of the mystery. In this program, we’ll learn to step outside the idea that spiritual practices are just applicable in our ceremonies & rituals and rather see how they are applicable in our everyday living. We will explore, discover and learn together how to turn our lives into a sacred living altar where everything is alive and imbued with spirit energy. Join me in learning ways to live a ceremonious life and create deeper meaning and connections. The mystery has infinite love and support to offer, all we need is the practical know-how to allow the connection to it.
Join me in learning some of the key day-to-day practices I've developed over 25 years that allow me to walk hand-in-hand and side-by-side with the True, Good & Beautiful Mystery. It will be an honor to help you discover your own Spiritual Identity.
My Dream is to be a Mentor + Teacher + Healer who models Love, Compassion, Honor, Respect & Integrity for the Work, for Each Other & for All Relations
LOCATION: Kenwood, CA on private land over 20 acres including walking trails and a pond.
to drum, rattle & pray with you
to laugh, cry and open our hearts as one
to facilitate spiritual growth & development
to facilitate a connection to your own source of power & light
to gather together & share deep & meaningful conversations
to create sacred energy through combined work that will serve the Highest Good
to hold a healing container for the community to work in, grow in and share in.
is this for you?
Ready to go on a deeper journey?
Ready to open to a new experience?
Ready to experience life as your living temple?
Ready to touch the boundaries of the unseen world?
Ready to play w/ tools that open a channel to Spirit?
Ready to experience oneness between you and Spirit?
Ready to create your own definition of spiritual living?
Ready to have a new conversation about the mystery and it’s gifts?
Ready to feel deeply connected to something bigger than yourself?
I’VE TAKEN THIS COURSE BEFORE WILL IT BE THE SAME? Every time I lead a course even though the theme may be the same, the content will vary depending on the time, space and group. Each group that comes together forms a spirit of its own and as I teach, I become a channel for the group. You can take the course more than once and still receive an incredible and sometimes different experience.
CANCELLATION POLICY? Space is limited for this program. Once your space is reserved the space is considered filled. Please be mindful when registering. A full refund will be given up to two weeks prior to the start of the program.
DO I NEED TO PRE-REGISTER? Yes, pre-registration is required.
DO I NEED ANY PRIOR KNOWLEDGE ON SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES? To have a good experience, some familiarity with spiritual ‘work’ is suggested but not required. Everyone is welcome to this experience if it feels in alignment to you.
DO YOU OFFER SCHOLARSHIPS? On a need basis. Please email me at: to inquire.
IS THERE AN AGE REQUIREMENT TO TAKE THE COURSE? Anyone who is inspired to register may register. A suggested age range begins at 14 years old.
HOW DO I KNOW IF THIS COURSE IS RIGHT FOR ME? You will feel inspired/excited to register.